I have had the pleasure of collaborating with Byer, a delightful California-based digital marketing agency, on a freelance basis. At Byer, I am a regular freelance animator. I work with video editing, motion design and animation to create informative videos for their clients.
Samurai XDR
Byer studio worked closely with this cyber security company to help design their website. They brought me on to create videos that help people to understand the importance of digital security. A concept that is valuable for companies both large and small. I also designed animated elements of there website
NTT Security Holdings
NTT puts out both quarterly and yearly reports on the state of cyber security. These videos give a brief run down of the report's findings and direct people to learn more about these important topics.
AMI Instructional Videos
Advanced Micro Instruments produces gas analyzers that measure trace gasses for critical applications. AMI films their installing and use of their products and I cut that film down, occasionally adding in graphics to better illustrate the process.